Sunday, January 17, 2010

Adventures! Well let's see. Saturday I went to a beach party/climbing get together with Oliver (climber I met on Thur with Chika) with what seemed to be half of the Santa Monica Mts. climbing community, it was great! I made so many new friends of the adventuring type; exactly the type of people I need in my life haha. So much fun. Only did 4 or 5 climbs (there were far more climbers than climbs) but the few I did were fantastic. We climbed off of a beach cliff that kissed the ocean just north of the Point Dume official parking lot. You could hear huge waves crashing behind you as you made your ascent up the volcanic breccia. The rock was strange; on one climb there were big pockets similar to other volcanic rock (like in Malibu) then a huge crack halfway up and finally a bunch of crimping to the end. Ended the day of climbing with a beer, a sandwich, and some acrobatics in the sand with really cool people.

That night I went to a party, which was fun of a different sort. I brought a friend along although she didn't seem to have a good time. But I had great fun talking to people. Anyway, left early so I could climb the next day.

And finally today, climbing again. Went to Malibu Creek with Kristine, Naomi, Yuriko, Aki, Jordan, and Taylor. Kristine did her first complete lead today for which I am very proud of her. Shortly after however we were rained out and took refuge in a nearby cave that, while cramped, is loaded with candles all over the walls and floor (we've dubbed it "Seance Cave"); making for a warm hideout (and a good place to spend the night :).

Back to business tomorrow.

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